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Christine Warren Workshops - Personal Growth Training & Counseling

Aligning to Your Joy and Peace

"I feel the peace of God within me now."
"The past is over, it can touch me not."
"I place my future in the hands of God."

-Lessons from A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles has illumined my thinking, changed limiting patterns of being, deepened my spiritual journey and filled my life with increasing peace, joy, and expansive well-being. It is both human and divine: it is a brilliant psychological treatise on how our thinking creates our perception and outer experience-and how to access our innate spiritual power to shift our thinking and our life. It is simultaneously a stunning step-by-step guidebook to living from our magnificent, limitless true nature as beings of God.

As in all my workshops, the teachings I'll offer will be an organic blend of my own integration of the rich love and wisdom found in the pages of the Course applied to our human journey. There will be a theme each week to apply this great work to your life. Themes will include:

~Healing Relationships in the Spirit of Authentic Forgiveness
~Being Fully Human and Fully Divine: Finding the Light in Yourself and Others
~Decision making and Life Visioning Sourced by Spirit
~Living in the Light- extending healing and light to others around you
~Giving Up Planning: a radical approach to releasing old ways of manifesting your life, work, and path, and allowing extraordinary direction and creative ideas to come through you from Source.

The group is an inspiring, experiential journey into the possibilities of your own human joys, challenges and hopes, informed by the rich wisdom of the Course. As in all my groups, supportive, inspired group sharing, meditations and prayers, rituals, song and laughter will make the learning personally enriching, bring great women into your life, and give you positive energy and practical tools to change your world.

Uplifting assignments from the Course give you practice between the groups for study and reflection. In group, we'll share our learnings through art, writing, sharing, music, and nature based ceremony.